As part of the International Nurses’ Week, a conference named as “Together for future Nursing” was held at American Hospital Tbilisi (AHT). This conference is traditionally held every year within the framework of private and public partnership in the format of promoting professional education. The event was organized by AHT, the Nurses’ Union and the partner educational institution “Business and Technology Academy”, within the framework of the strategic plan of cooperation, and the following were invited as guests of honor: Skills Agency, member associations of the Health Sector Skills Organization (SSO), IDPs from the occupied territories of Georgia, Labor , Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, National Center for Education Quality Development, USAID IN GEORGIA, The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), EY Georgia, leading nurses of multi-professional clinics in Tbilisi and regions.
According to the Chief Executive Officer of American Hospital Tbilisi, Dr. Ercan Ayyildiz, the hospital as a representative of the business sector and an employer, actively cooperates with industry organizations and educational institutions.
“The purpose of this conference was to promote professional education, development and support future nursing. The professional development of the staff is one of our main priorities, and within the framework of modern challenges, American Hospital Tbilisi is very actively implementing this,” noted he.
According to Ia Gelenidze, director of the nursing department of AHT, the conference was held in an informative and informative format, where the issues of regulation of the nursing profession, challenges in the direction of human capital training were discussed and further steps of strategic cooperation were planned.

“The purpose of this conference was: promotion of professional education and development; Supporting the nurses of the future, i.e. young students, which “American Hospital Tbilisi” very actively implements within the framework of modern challenges, “American Hospital Tbilisi”, as a business sector representative/employer, shares the responsibility and cooperates with both industry organizations and educational institutions for the continuous professional development of human capital. in the process (introduction of short-term and long-term programs of training/retraining) and implements international projects with the support of donor organizations”, Ia Gelenidze noted.